Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sweet Peaches and Hedgehogs.....

     I've come to the conclusion that usually when faced with a spirit killing conflict, something extraordinary occurs. A big emphasis on "usual" because what's usual doesn't always happen everyday, but a lot to carry a stigma on it's hands.  Lately I've come to the realization that bad things are happening beyond my control; maybe to prove that I don't have to do much or anything at all for Hell to unleash it's wrath on me.  All tear jerkin psychobabble aside, I get hit on by some pussy-wipe from the Herbert school of pedophilia with a major in child pornography.  The rat bastard tried to either get me in a car or get my number thinking I was 16 or something.  Anyways, the diff between me and him is quite simple, he would enjoy putting foreign substances up where a chair should be to little boys if not me [I hope it's not me, cause he'd lose his life before his voting rights].  Me on the other hand, it would be rather awkward to encounter and persist with minors.  Not that I would enjoy jail-bait [which is rather sick] it pains me that most of the people who like what i like are under-aged and live closest to me. 

     Onto less disgusting but more troubling issues; It would seem that most hated nightmare has come to pass and I must live with the idea that I might die alone in a jet fueled fire in hell.  I hope such isn't the case but then again, I got scolded at and mistreated for only seeking a friendly and less romantic relationship from a woman. Now i'm not some resentful twat-monger who's quick to blame all of the same gender for one asshole's lack of intelligence, but apparently the state of Georgia produces  such pussy-wipes male or female.  I feel if I stay here any longer, I'll only fall back to my idiotic tendencies like Friday [March 12]. OK, maybe not all of GA, but the Metro Atlanta area maybe [I don't know, I'm trying not to be ignorant here and categorize by some half-assed observation.]  Now if you're wondering if  my going to fast is the reason why shit is happening, then you only scratched the surface of my problems, cause that's only a small problem that has been rectified with wisdom and countless prayer. [now my knees hurt like hell].  Now I'm trying the friend approach this year, but apparently here's the problem: even with that it's like pulling teeth. Explanation: Only one person does the work and devotion while the other sits down or doesn't make time unless money or sex is on the menu. I'm trying to break away from that and try something that would benefit both me and the significant other. Now if the feeling is mutual, than we have a miracle at work, but if only one of us exhibits devotion to a friend or otherwise, somethings gotta give. But the idea of force and intimidation is out of the question, but what.....wait a minute. Another habit I must remove, don't ask questions you know the answer to.  Or rather, I should just be patient, because love favors the long suffering; therefore there's no other way. Even so, if you want to be with someone or if you like them, you'd want to make some time to get to know one another, not one person doing all the work.

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